Light David Maleski
Recent photos, July, 2000
I had the recent good fortune of hearing from Light David Maleski,
the son of Suzette "Conjuity" Bevier and David "Righteous" Maleski.
Light David was kind enough to send me these photos at my request.
For those of us who love his parents and are interested in what and how he is doing.
I asked a few questions and here are his reponses.
How old are you now?
"My birthday is coming up in two weeks, on the 23rd (July, 2000). I'll be 20 then."
What do you think about your first name being Light?
"I don't mind my first name so much anymore, everyone who finds out
about it thinks its cool. I was thinking about changing my name before
I graduated High School. So I think I'll keep it around. I just go by
my middle name and sign my documents with an L. David."
What are you doing now?
"I'm currently living in Blacksburg, VA where I go to to Virginia Tech.
I'm sure you've heard about our football team being that you live in Fla.
I have a job with an engineering company called Luna Innovations working with
fiber-optic sensors. Its some pretty neat stuff. Basicly this summer,
I'm just working there and living at my Fraternity house (Phi Kappa Psi).
A lot of really great guys."
Email Light David at:
Email his dad David at:
Email his mom Suzette at:

Light David with his grandfathers
Frank Maleski and Wil Allen.

One summer night at a friend's house havin a good time.

A newer picture of me.
The girl I'm not seeing anymore, but she's still a friend.

My formal dress uniform from when I was in the
Corps of Cadets here at Virginia Tech for ROTC.

Me (2nd from the left) with a bunch of guys from my company after a
mud run

My Dad.
(I thought of a lot of comments for this photo but decided not. Ha. Tom)
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