Leah and Ken Block's Wedding
August 18th 2007
Seattle, Washington

Leah, Ken and baby Sarah

Leah and Ken

Leah's dad Barry, bride Leah, groom Ken
and mom Christina

Brother Forrest and Sister Leah

Understanding, Alan, Kathy, Eve, Phil, Dee


Kathy Ressler

Christina and mom Phyllis

Christina, Phyllis and Kathy

Christina, Phyllis and Forrest

Susan, Christina and Kathy

Susan, Understanding, Christina, Kathy and Eve

Christina and Douglas

Wife Connie, son Issac and Larry Israel

Friends and Family:

Here are 2 recent photos of Sarah, Ken and I. Sarah weighs 13 lbs and 1.5 oz now. She is heavier than most babies for her age (2 months old) according to the ped who said she is in the 97th percentile. My arms are getting muscular. Ken and I took Sarah on a hike up to Lake 22 last weekend. How beautiful. He carried her most the way in the front pack but I got my turn as well.


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